Transforming Disability into Ability

We provide education, training, employment and care for mentally handicapped children and adults 


improve independent living skills

Providing education and training to mentally handicapped children and adults so that they will be helped, in reaching their maximum potential

We’re On A Mission To Help Brighten their world

We are seeking for donations to meet our Annual Budget of RM 2.2 million (cost of running all programmes)

online store


SAMH Mart is our online site where you can support SAMH and our mission by purchasing various craft items or order fresh organic vegetables produced by our very own mentally handicapped youth and adults.

Proceeds from the sale of the craftwork are shared between students and SAMH, with the bigger portion going to students. It gives hope to our trainees and motivate them to work harder and enhance their skills for the joy of being able to earn to contribute towards their living expenses.

Come, browse our mart! Purchase beautiful hand-crafted woven stools, assortment of baskets, soft toys, bags and other miscellaneous items today for yourself, family and friends! 

our story

Giving a better life

  • Jun 13, 2021​

Charity Meetup – the future of charity

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  • Jun 21 2021​

Charity management degree apprenticeship taster event

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  • May 25, 2021​

Refresher Trustee Training – Trustee Roles & Responsibilities​

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

  • May 13, 2021​

Sharing Our Faith & Love To Children​

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what we do

Programmes offered by the Association

Our primary aim is to provide education, training, employment and care for mentally handicapped children and young adults so that they may realize their full potential.

Join Our Mission to give a better life

Our children, youths and adults need your help! Your support can help SAMH sustain and continue to provide early intervention, special education, vocational training and employment opportunities for our students. 


Your Contribution Can Help Achieve A Solution​

Krystle Ketterer​


Randal Smith​


Carolyn Tipton​

Donation quality​

Austin Nelson​

Donation quality​

Clifford Neal​


Sylvia Pogue​


Daniel Cormier​


Julia Long​



SAMH Community Partners

Over the years, SAMH has received the support of numerous organisations, both local and international, which have supported SAMH in different ways through assisting in our fund-raising events, award of grants, job contracts for sheltered workshop, training of teachers, student sponsorships and corporate donations.

These are only a few of these organisations which have enabled us to sustain and continue to deliver on our mission. A big thank you to all!